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Showing posts from September, 2024


Coordinate TBM (Tool Box Meeting)  • Arrange safety mass meetings  • Coordinate safety communication programmes (JMCP-Joint Mass Communication Programme)  • Coordinate Safety Visit /Line Walk  • Reporting of Incident (Accident , Near Miss , Dangerous Occurence)  • Coordinate Investigation of accident  • Arrange safety awareness programmes (Safety Quiz,slogan,talk)  • Conduct weekly site safety audit/safety visit  • Prepare safety reports for (CSM- Contractor Safety Management)  • Check records of Lifting Tools and Tackles  • Impart Training on SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)  • Coordinate J.C.C. ( Job Cycle Check )  • Coordinate monthly safety meeting  • Prepare HIRA for activities at site  Different Aspect of Safe Behavior  Safe behaviour of the Safety Supervisors depends upon the following  1. Experience  2. Knowledge  3. Learning from others  4. Feed Back  5. Passion for life saving Safe Behaviour  • Safe and balanced behavior for taking any decision is required at the job site. 


 Here's a simplified explanation of the key safety terms and concepts,  Key Safety Terms 1. Hazard : Anything that has the potential to cause harm, such as injury, damage to property, or environmental damage. 2. Risk : The chance of a hazard causing harm. It’s calculated by considering both the likelihood of the hazard happening and the severity of the consequences (Risk = Likelihood × Consequence). 3. Incident : An event that could lead to an accident or has already caused an accident. 4. Accident : An unexpected event that results in injury, illness, damage, or other losses. 5. Safety : Being free from unacceptable risks of harm. 6. LWI (Lost Work Injury): An injury that disables a worker and occurs during employment within the registered factory area. 7. IOD (Injured on Duty): An injury that disables a worker but occurs outside the registered factory area during employment. 8. Lost Work Case : When an employee cannot work their next scheduled shift

Understanding Safety Management

Understanding Safety Management and Tata Steel's Health & Safety Policy Elements of Safety Management 1. Policy : A set of rules and guidelines that outline the organization’s commitment to safety. 2. Organization : The structure and roles within the company that support safety efforts. 3. Planning : The process of identifying risks and setting up measures to manage them. 4. Measurement : Regularly checking to ensure safety practices are working. 5. Control : Implementing measures to prevent and manage risks. 6. Audit : Reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of safety management. Tata Steel’s Health & Safety Policy 1. Safety as a Priority :    - Tata Steel considers the safety and health of everyone working with them as the top priority. 2. Preventing Injuries and Illness :    - All injuries and work-related illnesses can and must be prevented. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure no one gets hurt because of their work. 3. Responsibility and Accountability :    - Ev